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- Vilkår #yeskappahl/#yesnewbie
Villkor för #yeskappahl och #yesnewbie
Love, wear, share
Show your style and inspire others! Tag #Kappahl or #Newbielovers and we will show it to the world!
Take a Content of your best Kappahl or Newbie outfit, tag the image with #Kappahl or #newbielovers and share it on your social media channel. In order to be featured in our social media channels and/or on Kappahl.com we will contact you and ask you to respond #YesKappahl or #YesNewbie
Content Sharing terms and conditions
By responding #YesKappahl or #YesNewbie you agree to the following:
You grant Kappahl Sverige AB, below “Kappahl”, its third-party service providers who provide content management services, and its retail partners (the ”Licensed Parties”) the worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully-paid, non-exclusive, transferable right to use your Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/YouTube handle and your Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/YouTube Contentgraph(s) that you have tagged with the hashtag #Kappahl or #Newbielovers, and in relation to which you have responded #yesKappahl or #YesNewbie (below the “Content ”) on Kappahl.com and/or on any of Kappahl’s or Newbie's platforms (including but not limited to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube ) or elsewhere, for Kappahl’s or Newbie's marketing and/or in Kappahl’s or Newbie's advertising, newsletters, catalogs, email, customer communication and store materials;
If you have shared a Content, you still own it. However, once you tag your Content with one of the hashtags mentioned above and shared it, you are granting Kappahl permission to use the Content, social media handle and any accompanying caption on our website, social media platforms, emails, in advertising or in any other marketing material. For more specifics please review Kappahl’s Privacy Policy.
Kappahl may use, display, reproduce, distribute, transmit, create derivative works from, combine with other materials, alter and/or edit your Contents in any manner at our sole discretion, with no obligation to you whatsoever.
You hereby represent and warrant that (a) you own all rights in and to your Contents, (b) you have permission from any person(s) appearing in your Contents to grant the rights herein, (c) you are 18 years or older, and (d) Kappahl’s or Newbie's use of your Instagram handle and/or Contents will not violate the Privacy Policy, the rights of any third party or any applicable law;
You hereby release and discharge Kappahl from all and any obligation to pay you for any use of your Contents and any of the intellectual property rights that may be contained therein in connection with the uses described above;
You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold Kappahl and any person acting on Kappahl’s behalf harmless from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with use of the Contents as described above; and
You hereby agree to and acknowledge that Kappahl has the right to - not the obligation - at our sole discretion to refuse to post any Contents. Kappahl also reserve the right to change, edit, modify, transmit, display or delete any Contents and you hereby waive any rights you may have in having the material altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other provision of these terms and conditions, Kappahl has the right to remove any Contents that violates the Privacy Policy or is otherwise objectionable and, solely as to the posting of content, we reserve the right to terminate access to submit user generated content to Kappahl’s Web Properties without prior notice for any user who violates these terms and conditions, Kappahl’s Privacy Policy or infringes the rights of others. Please note that any such termination will not affect your ability to make purchases, returns, or otherwise interact with the services Kappahl.com/Newbiestore.com provides.