Suppliers and factories
The Kappahl Group does not own any factories. Instead, we work collaboratively with suppliers that share our commitment to responsible clothing production.
We produce our clothes in Asia and Europe, primarily in China, Bangladesh, India and Turkey. All our products are made by carefully selected suppliers that share our commitment to transparent and responsible production.
Having long-standing relationships with a limited number of suppliers enables us to have effective discussions about improvements and support their sustainable practices.

We are present in our manufacturing countries
We have had our own offices and many employees in Bangladesh, China and India, our largest production countries, for more than 30 years. More than 100 employees work with purchasing, sustainability and quality control in these countries. This enables us to have regular dialogue with our around 140 suppliers, visit them frequently and ensure that they are complying with our requirements on working conditions and the environment.
We set requirements for working conditions and sustainability transitions
We only work with suppliers that share our commitment to transparent and responsible production. All suppliers that work with the Kappahl Group agree to comply with our Sustainability Commitment, our code of conduct. The code sets out principles with regard to trade union rights, wages, working hours, occupational health and safety, the working environment, etc. It also states our zero tolerance approach to any form of forced labour and child labour.
We visit and inspect the factories regularly with our own staff to ensure that the suppliers are complying with our requirements.
Our Sustainability Commitment for suppliers (PDF, 207 kB)
We can help bring about changes by having a local presence and taking a long-term approach.
100 per cent traceability by 2026
We are working to achieve 100 per cent traceability of our range in the supply chain, from fibre to finished garment, and to make that information easily available to our customers. We use the product traceability tool TrusTrace to collect data on where and how all of our garments are produced, down to where fibres originate from. The goal is to have full traceability in our range by 2026.
Our range of jeans is already fully traceable today. Customers can find all the traceability information about their jeans on our website... where the cotton was grown, the yarn was spun, and the cloth woven, dyed and sewn.
Traceability and transparency in our supply chain help us identify risks, promote decent working conditions and minimise adverse impacts of production on the environment.
List of suppliers and factories
The suppliers and factories that the Kappahl Group works with for the manufacture of our products are listed here. We have signed the Transparency Pledge of the garment and footwear industry and are thus committed to publishing the name and location of each site, the number of employees there, and the types of products made.
List of the Kappahl Group's suppliers and factories (Excel, 58 kB)